At the Farbrengen Table

In the Merit of the Baal Shem Tov’s Authentic Teachings

  • Tilles Tells

    Riveting stories of the Baal Shem Tov and other Jewish heroes given over by Rabbi Yerachmilel Tilles from the holy city of Safed.

    To subscribe for a Saturday night video, audio, and printed story, send a messaged via WhatsApp to

    +972 526 770 137

    You can also send an email to

  • Daily Dose of Emunah

    Emuna is Orit Esther Riter’s passion—spreading the healing light of Hashem to all walks of life.

    Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006 forced her to close her catering business, taking her from feeding the body to feeding the soul. She now devotes her time to teaching Emuna, energy healing, writing, and doing personal therapy and energy work worldwide. Her work is based on the teachings of the Holy Baal Shem Tov and the light of Chassidut.

  • Jerusalem's House of the Baal Shem Tov

    Rav Daniel HaCohen Stavskypresents a lifetime of learning to many in the world. Much of his work is based upon the Baal Shem Tov (stories, articles, videos). He presents video classes on the Parsha of the Week and explanations of the Jewish months, in Hebrew with an English-written translation.

    There are many stories in English about Jewish concepts from the Besht on his site.

    He offers books and articles which he compiled and others who work with authentic sources of the Baal Shem Tov.

    All of this can be seen on his website,

  • Baruk Hullman: The Chassidic Story Project

    Baruk brings to life hundreds of Chassidic stories in a totally refreshing style. Living in Jerusalem, he is known for teaching Torah classes and having an amazing musical talent. Every week he presents another Chassidic story! I’m sure every family member will enjoy this!

    You can hear his Chassidic stories on Google Podcasts or SoundCloud.

    A quick search for The Chassidic Story Project on Google Podcasts will get you there.

  • Rabbi Shaul Leiter: Keter Shem Tov

    Rabbi Leiter from Safed, Israel presents the mystical teachings of the Baal Shem Tov on a weekly basis. He progresses through the text “Keter Shem Tov” with translation into English and helps many throughout the world come closer to Hashem.

    You can see his many video classes on “Keter Shem Tov” by going to