The Ohel of Josef within the city of Shekem, Israel
The area of Breslov. The photo was taken near the kever of Natan who transcribed many of Rabbi Nachman’s teachings.
Near the Kever of Dina, daughter of Leah in Israel
The Kever of Baal Meir Hanes, Tiberius, Israel
The Role and Teachings of the Sages & Tzaddikim
Most of us learn by looking back in our lives and making improvements to go forward. Who does not at least listen to their friends, professors, or favorite podcaster to find a kernel of advice or direction for their lives?
We also value those righteous and wise individual Jews who have shared their lives and writings with us throughout the centuries.
Traveling to the graves of sages brings us focus while praying to Hashem. This is one of the ways to add depth, direction and wisdom to lives while existing in a chaotic world. It is important to remember and integrate the wisdom of tzaddikim within our lives, preserving their resting places, and walking within their towns which they once walked. Their lives are felt within our journey to them.
Many tzaddikim rest in Tsfat
Focusing on prayers near the kever of the Arizal in Tsfat, Israel
Kever Benjamin
Machpelah: Kever of Our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, Hevron
A tour to Meron, Israel with Chani Mandel
Created by Jessie Shechter