Soul Surfing

Women’s Torah from Zlata Ehrenstein

Author, Speaker, Mentor

Soul Surfing with Zlata

Zlata Ehrenstein presents Chassidic classes in Israel according to mystical Torah concepts and is the author of “Soul Surfing.” Her family is affiliated Chabad for the past five generations. She has always been involved in Jewish education whether in private classes or Machon Alte, a women’s seminary in Tsfat Israel.

To contact Zlata you can email her at

Many times in golus we experience many harsh and challenging times and we ask Hashem – don’t You love me? Why are You doing this to me?

This can be understood from a human king when the prince, a small child comes to him and cries – I built a home of sticks and branches and they tore it apart. The king laughs and says – I have the entire kingdom. I will build you a much better stronger home.

So too, Hashem has in mind a beautiful utopia when Moshiach comes. Hashem is the Designer of the entire world. He will surely give it to the Yiden when Moshiach comes. Seeing this, we will sing and praise to Hashem. For What? Your harshness, גבורותיך.

Then each one will realize how the difficulties were really for his benefit and now he will gain all the profits, well worth and earned.
— Baal Shem Tov – Keser Shem Tov

An excerpt from “Soul Surfing…..

The Baal Shem Tov reiterates that every person is like a mirror to any other person. Zlata writes that whatever we have within ourselves is exactly what we see in another person. A good baker, for example, will notice food items. A real estate person will take note of a location of a beautiful home. The same thing happens on an emotional level; a critical person will always find something to criticize.

The Baal Shem Tov emphasizes that we should always see ourselves as the purpose of Hashem’s creation and to always do what we can, despite the world’s obstacles, to bring goodness and kindness into it.

The surrounding hills and mountains of Tsfat, Israel


The Prayer of Release and Forgiveness

July 15 2024-

There are 18 blessings (Shemoneh Esrei/18) we pray each morning in the beginning of our day. We set our focus in the correct direction to help us focus on whatever comes our way throughout our day.

This is basically our emotional/spiritual spinal cord, with 18 vertebrae. Thus, each bracha/blessing we say in the morning is parallel to one of the brachos we say in the Shemoneh Esrei prayer. This one, מתיר אסורים is the sixth brocha: “Blessed are You, Hashem, who releases the captive.” It must follow the previous ones. We may not skip and think that it is 'ok', it doesn't matter.

For instance, we first thank Hashem for the potential of raising our awareness to higher realms. If we are not aware of this influence we have over the mundane, then we act without any motivation towards our goal. Then we thank Hashem for the proper functions of the physical body. Without proper basic health, one cannot properly do the mitzvahs. Then we thank Hashem for our neshama, mentioning its origin and its satiated potential.

Here we begin to enumerate, step by step, how we go about fulfilling our mission. First we recognize that the rooster knows to differentiate between night and day. We ask ourselves, is this the only animal who knows the difference between day and night? How about all the other animals which come out only at night, or only during daylight hours? They surely know where to be and when.

The rooster is the only creature that believes that day will come even though right now he sees night/darkness. Others know night and that is all they see. This teaches us to believe in light; day will surely come despite the current facts. Time is never stagnant. Time is the typical example of constant change. Situations never remain the same, unless one chooses to remain stuck in the past. That is a choice one makes and decides to remain a sufferer instead of maturing and going ahead.

When the Jews left Mitzrayim/Egypt, they had to simultaneously see the Egyptians drowning and spat out on the river bed, all at the same time; in other words – how to proceed towards receiving the Torah even in horrendous times.

One must realize that slavery belongs to the past and the past must remain behind. Go forward and ahead! Hashem will take care of the rest. Wake up – begin a new day with new experiences, with invigorated and robust energy. Yesterday is over. In my life I found that within the experiences that remain, the main thing is to learn what to continue or refrain from in the future. Thus, the experience is all worth its involvement.

After I made this recognition, then I ask Hashem to open my eyes and see – understand what each opportunity brings me. The Baal Shem Tov explains to us the depth and preciseness of hashgacha protis/Divine Providence. Truly, there is a very meaningful reason for each experience coming my way—now.

Realizing this, I continue and ask Hashem to open channels – I should not feel blocked or choked in any mode. Untie the ties! This enables me to put the past behind, whether emotional hang-ups, or social standards (demands) that have impacted my life. Allow me to feel free to do Your will and to accomplish the mission You designated for me—today.

These 18 brochas are also parallel to the Shemoneh Esrei. Thus, this will parallel to the blessing of forgiveness. In order for anyone to truly feel free, he must learn how to forgive. Even better, he must know how to forget that he forgave. Allow Hashem to do all the bookkeeping. He has more experience, knows more facts and sees the complete picture.

The more I can forgive anyone, the more I am free to live my G-d given life.

“Many times in golus we experience many harsh and challenging times and we ask Hashem – don't You love me? Why are You doing this to me?

This can be understood from a human king when the prince, a small child comes to him and cries – I built a home of sticks and branches and they tore it apart. The king laughs and says – I have the entire kingdom. I will build you a much better stronger home.

So too, Hashem has in mind a beautiful utopia when Moshiach comes. Hashem is the Designer of the entire world. He will surely give it to the Yiden when Moshiach comes. Seeing this, we will sing and praise to Hashem. For What? Your harshness, גבורותיך.

Then each one will realize how the difficulties were really for his benefit and now he will gain all the profits, well worth and earned.”

Baal Shem Tov