Parsha Quotes
Kedusha Levi
Torah Commentary Kedusha Levi. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Translated & annotated by Eliyahu Munk.
Lech L’cha
Genesis Chapter 12:3 “I shall bless those who bless you, and those who curse you I shall curse.”
Kedusha Levi asks Why would those who bless Avraham be given a blessing before they did so [“I shall bless…]? Here we see that G-d considers our good intentions and thoughts that lead up to the actual fulfillment of a mitzvah.
Chapter 28:19 “You are to present a fire offering, an offering of elevation….”
Kedusha Levi comments that if we are enthusiastic about serving Hashem, our simcha/happiness becomes a tool for spiritual elevation. Yet we must not be distracted by our desires to get rewarded for our enthusiastic service.
Kedusha Levi reiterates that all our requests will be fulfilled since these requests are not from our personal egotistical desires, but rather, are part of our deep desire to glorify His Name on earth.
With clear, simple service, and devotion to bringing awareness of Hashem’s magnificence on earth, we become a vessel for blessings.
Rebbetzin Chani Mandel’s talks on Abundant Blessings express practical ways to experience Hashem’s abundance.