Revealing Godliness

Expand emunah towards a higher level in order to affect the intellect, emotions, and actions.
— Rabbi Yonasan C Beitz, Chassidic Vision
  • How do we actualize emunah?

  • What is the process? How do we actualy walk with Emunah?

  • Personalizing the emunah brings it down into our thoughts, speech, feelings, and actions.

  • Bringing a theoretical understanding of emunah into a day to day experience (the expression of kindness, joy, love, discipline, or actions like giving charity, etc.)

Hashem is the One Who connects our level of transcendence to the level of Action.
— Rabbi Beitz

Our Emunah and Trust elevates higher when we have growth in understanding.

Rabbi Yonasan C. Beitz received his Rabbinical Ordination in 2008 in Jerusalem. He studied with the Lubavitcher Rebbe for 15 years and has a deep passion and a strong understanding of Chabad Chassidus.

His many years of in-depth studies of the works of the Mittler Rebbe have formed his solid knowledge base. The body of this knowledge base has enhanced and deepened his practice of authentic Jewish meditation.

He offers seminars on Jewish meditation and is available for consultation and can be contacted by email at

The Inclusion of the Many into One

When the Baal Shem Tov had an elevation of the soul and arrived at the chamber of the Moshiach, he asked him “When will the Master come?” The answer the Baal Shem Tov received from Moshiach was “When your wellsprings of teachings will be spread to the outside.”

The question raised by many is “What does the term “outside” mean?

The Waters of Torah and Chassidus