Emunah and Trust in Hashem
for Caretakers
Devorah Hadassah Liebermann shares her eloquent prayers with us as she and her family care for Ma’ayan (“spring of water”) who has been on a ventilator at home for 6 years. Devorah Hadassah lives her Torah profoundly throughout her very busy day and nights. She and her husband live in Beit Shemesh, Israel as orthodox Jews and enjoy their family of 5 children.
Devorah uses and teaches the acronym S.I.T. as she sits in prayer and meditation to Gd at her daughters bedside. Many caretakers have found that, in a time of great difficulty, these 3 letters come to mind and has helped them to refresh themselves and become triumphant once again.
Please join us in prayer for Ma’ayan bas Devorah Hadassah.
Conversations with Mayani’s CareTaker
Devorah asks her WhatsApp group to pray for the medical staff attempting to locate a willing vein for Ma'ayan to receive an infusion. After, she and her care giver have a conversation:
A Letter from Devorah Hadassah
I'm Devorah Hadassah Liebermann, better known as the mother of Ma'ayan, my incredible 16 year old daughter who is struggling, yet thriving, with a life threatening illness, Chasdei H'ashem. Since the age of 3 Ma'ayan has with each consecutive year stopped talking, walking, seeing, swallowing and breathing unassisted. Thank You Hashem, Ma'ayan can still hear, smell and receive and give touch!
In addition to being a mother, I'm a Holistic/Emunah based Speech/ Communication Therapist, Certified Holistic Practitioner & Emunah Vitality Resilience Coach. I strive to help women and caretakers to attach to hope and resilience and shift belief patterns, speech patterns/ mindset, and even learn to communicate with their loved ones who are ill and enrich self image and confidence with a deep Emunah based foundation, Gd willing.
B 'chasdei Hashem, I've created the S.I.T.S Torah Based Wellness Technique which I use to guide women to ground themselves with breath to become resilient, develop relationships, capabilities to communicate authentically with both their Creator, themselves and their loved ones as they face an array of life challenges such as critical illness, trauma or loss.
Looking forward to "SITTING" with His Great Compassion!
Devorah Hadassah Liebermann
S.I.T.S Wellness Technique:
S. Sense and "see" with grounded breath
I. Intuit how to move with Intention to serve Hashem
T. Transcend by Tapping into T's (Torah, Tefilla, TLC, Thankfulness and Togetherness to name a few)
S. Sense Serene Shift
Caretaking: A special Opportunity
Being a caretaker gives us a special opportunity to cherish the gift of life which Hashem supports and creates for every one of us at every moment.
We also can choose to have an increased acknowledgement of Hashem’s presence during our caregiving.