Prayerful Meditation
Pray With Our Entire Being
This is the era of Malchut. We are the light that rides upon the thick dust kicked up by "the heels of Moshiach." Within this dust storm, we learn bitul/humility and patience as Hashem teaches us daily.
As Chani Mandel tells us in the story of the gemstones, the dirt is the ground/Malchut upon which Abraham and our fathers walked. Within this dust and dirt are "the branches of My planting; the work of My hands, in which I take pride."
It is our emunah and trust in the Planter Who shows us repeatedly that "Good can only come from Good."
Chani Mandel brings down that when we daven with our entire being we change our level of emunah.
Now we are on a different level and we can see, just a little bit better, that "Only Good can come from Good."
Gamzu l'tova!
Rebbetzin Rochelka Goodrich: Growing Closer to Hashem
A year ago Rochelka lost her husband and she became a widow. She speaks about her experiences and what she has learned.
Rebbetzin Goodrich presents a number of short and unique talks. Included are such issues as telling grandchildren when a grandparent has passed on, the Torah's outlook on marriage, the beauty and love of Tehillim (Psalms), and others.
Her 8th Torah Talk speaks about her thoughts on the first year yahrzeit (2022) of her beloved husband, of blessed memory. May her talks and experiences be beneficial for all listeners.
May it be the will of Hashem that the soul of Rabbi Yissachar ben Avrohom, obm, get an elevation in Gan Eden and that elevation should generate happiness and salvation for his family.
Rochelka Goodrich speaks about her life transitions
To listen to more Torah Talks call Kol HaLashon in Israel DIAL 03 617 1111, push *7. It will begin in Hebrew, then continue by dialing 909651 and it will be in English.
Rochelka is also available in the USA by dialing 718-521-5231. Push *7 and continue with 909651.
Or in Israel, you can easily dial her talks directly: 073 371 8230.
Zlata Ehrenstein: The Torah is a great gift to each and for each of us
There are those people who are totally slaves to sleeping — the sheets must be of a certain fabric, the fan must be in a certain position over his head, the slippers and rug in a certain place. If the cover of the garbage bin is not perfectly in the right place, he can't fall asleep.
Some people are totally enslaved to food. It has to have just the right seasoning, of a certain type, of a certain brand, cooked and prepared according to exact measurements and instructions. If one of these conditions are not met, then he can't eat the dish. He will go to lengthy degrees to buy these particular products and everything seems worthwhile to him.
Most likely he is spending hours each week to satisfy these expectations. He thinks it is all worth it—he can't see himself coping any other way. He will explain, in very definite terms, that this is life. “What can be done! Such is life!”
Well, the fact is that “such is the life”…. he perceives. This is not the quality life that could or should be. He is enslaved to all these requirements and settings within his own restricted mind.
The truth is different altogether.
The Zohar teaches us that the entire world was created based on the laws of Torah. Torah is the blueprint of creation. Therefore, the design the world will operate for living is all according to Torah as biased instructions. But humanly fabricated laws are not absolute. In other words, the Torah (Hashem’s utterance) is basically the Owner or, as we say, the Master of the world.
Here we see that Hashem, Himself, in all His glory and majesty comes down on Har Sinai, in the physical world, just to come meet with each of the Yiden, in a personal note, His Torah. He brings us His most precious gift— treasure that was in heaven for 2000 years.
Hashem made it available even to the simplest of all of the Yiden.
Anyone, even the simplest, can learn and even reveal new insights in Torah. Everyone has a special place in Torah. Every one of the Yiden is paramount to the world's purpose, just as a person’s organ is imperative to his functioning body. Just like a finger or an ear having a specific role in the body’s functioning, so too, does everyone have a unique and special purpose.
Jerusalem’s King David Museum
Chani Mandel: Hashem brings abundance by our praising Him with others
Chani Mandel brings a Baal Shem Tov story about meeting an intellectual person who stayed inside studying and fasting. The Baal Shem Tov tells him, “You could starve Hashem!!” How can that be?!! Hashem sits on the praises of Yisrael.