Rabbi Nachman, Tehillim, Psalms, Breslov

Rabbi Nachman’s Kever in Uman

Courtesy of religionunplugged.com

Classes on Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

Chani continues with Part II, Lesson 97 and 98. The theme which Rabbi Nachman is conveying is about Talking to Hashem. Chani emphasizes how important this is especially in Elul.

R Chani Mandel gives a short lesson during the 9 days of the month of Av from Rabbi Nosson about hitbodedut and praying honestly.

“Whoever wants to merit teshuvah….” Who doesn’t want to get close to Hashem?!

Rabbi Nachman says we should say Tehillim on a regular basis. Davening with Tehillim takes our hearts into teshuvah mode.

King David’s life, almost every moment, was fraught with turmoil and difficulties. Even though he was a pure and holy man, by his example of repentance, he brings everyone to repentance.

Whoever wants to achieve repentance must make reciting Psalms a steady practice, for reciting Psalms engenders repentance. This is because there are fifty gates of repentance, fourty-nine of which any person can enter and attain, but the Fiftieth Gate represents the return of G-d Himself, for we find that G-d says (Malakhi 3:7), “Return to Me and I will return to you.
— Likeutey Morharan. Part II, 73.