The Paths & Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov
A Garden Fence in Medzhybizh, the Ukraine area where the Baal Shem Tov lived, prayed, and taught.
To Love Every Jew
Chassidic Vision
The Baal Shem Tov says that the chamber of Teshuvah is located next to the chamber of Nigunim/song. This means that the way to facilitate returning to Hashem is aided by the singing of a deep, longing, and heartfelt wordless tune known as a niggun.
There is a Mishnah that says that animals are led into a sheltered area by way of a nose ring. The nose ring is also used when they are led out to the outside, an external domain. The word for nose ring is “shir” which is the same word used for “song.” According to the Maggid of Mezritch the mystical interpretation of this Mishna is that the animals are likened to angels who also don’t have free choice. The angels elevate themselves in the morning prayers during the Blessing of Shema singing “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh…” The holy Ophanim and Chayot are transported from one lofty level to another through the medium of this song in praise of Hashem. Likewise, a person who cleaves to Hashem during their prayerful song is led to a deeper awareness of the Divine Presence. When a person sings a heartfelt niggun, their entire being is moved towards a deeper and meaningful relationship with the Infinite One.
The Path of a Simple and Deep Jewish Life
All steps towards goodness are valued; the small steps, the big steps. Looking back, even the not-so-good steps, have a way of bringing us closer to Hashem. The Baal Shem Tov valued each step and, through his authentic teachings, leads us onto the path of higher refinements in a simple, yet deep manner.
Join us in learning about the authentic writings of the Besht and visiting the area where he taught.
Strengthening Women
Many women have had the opportunity to travel with Chani's students to Meron, Israel, and the Ukraine.
With Chani’s guidance we learned and davened in very special and holy places including the kever of the Baal Shem Tov.
All unforgettable and it all seemed to engrave into everyone’s soul.
We had time for solitary prayers, exercise, music, food, and camaraderie.
Simplicity in accommodations brought us comfort for long and usually quite warm days.
The spark of joy in remembering these trips returns easily to her students and friends.
“Soul Surfing” with Zlata Ehrenstein
“When the sea is stormy I have to be that much more attentive to the waves,” writes Zlata Ehrenstein, the author of “Soul Surfing.”
Zlata helps women navigate the rolling and tumultuous “waves” of life while striving to be close to Hashem. Her voice is our voice as she ponders with us ways of steering ourselves away from rocks and towards the heart of our Father above. She reminds herself and her students how to be attentive.
How do we find our genuine Gdly self amidst all the bombardments of physical needs and social demands? How do we calm down our egos enough to hear what our neshama is saying to us? What is the path to being truly free in a darkening world?
On this site we have the privilege of learning from her English classes in Israel.
שיעור מספר 4
לגלות את עומק התפילה – לפי תורת הבעל שם טוב
מורנו הבעל שם טוב מדמה את התפילה למסע בארמון המלך – עלייה דרך ארבע קומות, קומה אחר קומה, עד שמגיעים למלך עצמו.
בסרטון מיוחד, הרב סטבסקי מסביר את המשל והנמשל, ומביא תובנות מרתקות על הדרך שבה התפילה מרוממת את האדם ומשפיע עליו
מוזמנים לצפות ולהכיר את העומק שבמשנת הבעל שם טוב על התפילה.
להצטרפות לקבוצת הוואטסאפ ולקבלת השיעורים הקצרים וכל התכנים החשובים.
לחצו כאן
Prayerful Meditation
How does Rabbi Nachman guide us in praying with a good focus and a full heart when there are no words or when we feel "stony."?
Likutey Moharan II Lesson 25 says that when we acknowledge that desire to speak to Hashem—even if we feel distant from our divine service— our hearts and mouth will open.
Using this humble cry as our prayer is very great and we can beg for Hashem’s mercy and compassion.
This alone can bring us into a "now" moment with G-d in our divine service of prayer.
Send us your comments or questions. We would be happy to hear from you!