Good Places, Good Folks

People UpLifting the Good

  • Jewish prayer, classes, telephone

    Torah Moments, Israel Phone Line

    R Tzipora Feldman offers Torah short classes in Eretz Yisrael. from a variety of Torah teachers. There are options in Hebrew and English about Torah life and Chassidus.

    In Israel, dial 02 6633554 and choose the extension of your choice.

    For R Chani’s classes, dial 02 6633554, then ext. 311 for English.

    Dial extension 65 for Chani’s Rabbi Nachman classes.

  • Reflexology, Israel, massage, body-mind

    Emuna Tiferet de Vries

    Relax with Emuna Tiferet as she shares her energetic healing by helping to strengthen and balance the body-mind systems. This holistic skill utilizes reflexology and pointwise pressure points on the feet. Reflexology can assist people balance the digestive and respiratory systems as well as relaxing from life’s stresses.

    For your convenience, Emuna Tiferet also visits homes in the Jerusalem area.

    Call Emunah Tiferet in Israel: 050 371 0148

  • Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts Online

    A fabulous resource for authentic Jewish texts which include Tanakh, Talmud, Mishnah, Midrash, Halakaha, Kabbalah, Chassidus, etc. Topics and sources for specific interests are easily found.

  • Shifra Chana Hendrie

    Shifra Hendrie has a dynamic charisma about her—maybe it is from all the wonderful interviews she offers at her conferences.

    As a spiritual mentor, teacher, coach, and healer she has helped facilitate profound shifts for thousands of people around the globe. Her unique programs combine the life-changing wisdom of Chassidus with cutting edge transformational tools, empowering people to live passionate, purposeful lives and connecting more intimately with G-d.

    She can be contacted on Facebook:

  • Likkutei Sichos

    A site packed with sichos from the Lubavitcher Rebbeim. Translations in English, Hebrew, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese. A variety of men and women speakers present Chassidic concepts in video and print with each weekly parsha.

  • Rejuvinate in Tzipora Singer's Garden

    Rejuvinating with Tzipora Singer

    Connect to your spiritual and physical body through a series of gentle but powerful exercises in Tzipora’s beautiful garden in Ramot, Israel.

    In this setting Tzipora guides women thru gentle exercises which open up the flow of energy to many areas of the body, reducing tension, releasing toxins, and stagnation.

    Tzipora encourages women to “Do chesed for yourself! Bs”H, you can open up the flow of energy and feel more joy and more vitality!”

    You can connect with Tirtza by phone at 054 492 53202 in Israel. The class fee is by donation which goes to Tzedaka.