The Holy Temple and the Three Weeks

Eishet Chayal, the Temple, and the Three Weeks

We sing “Eishet Chayal,” a Woman of Valor, every Shabbat, but how is this connected to Chani Mandel’s latest shiur?

During the Three Weeks, it is important to make further studies on the Temples and look forward to the Third and Eternal Temple. There is a wall that surrounds the Second Temple called a soregl. It is said in the Mishnah [Middoth 2:3] that within it [the soregl] is the chayl.

Needless to say, this word caught my attention. Although I have little knowledge about all these matters, I am proposing the possibility of a connection between this special chayl and the Jewish woman, Eishet Chayal.

Interestingly enough, I discovered that the word chayil means “strength” and chayil is similar to “soldier.” It was just this week in which Chani brought out the importance of being a “foot soldier” with our davening and saying Tehillim, especially during the Three Weeks.

The Third Temple

In Mishkanay Elyon Rabbi Chaim Moshe Luzzatto, the Ramchal, discusses the Third Temple based on Ezekiel’s prophecy[1] and tells us about its structure and function. In Ezekiel’s vision there exists a wall [soregl] made of wooden planks which surrounds the entire Temple. It is said that the great light which shines thru the spaces of the wooden slats gives life to all created beings.

There is discussion as to what and where the chayl is but the Ramchal agrees with the Rambam that the chayl is a unique wall within the soregl. It is thought that this particular wall gives a space to protect people from proceeding further without permission to enter the Outer Courtyard, a discerning process, and even the women’s courtyard/balcony. It is also believed that it measures 21 cubits between the soregl and the Outer Courtyard wall. The height of this wall is “only 10 hand breaths, no less, no more.” The word חֵיִל, chayl, equals 68 plus 10 for each vowel point. Ten is also significant in the sefirot and, 68 is the same numerical value as chaim/life.

I can’t help seeing so many feminine attributes in all the discussions about the chayl-- the area of discernment, protection, and strength. Our speech also has the detailed attribute of deciphering what is to be said and how to speak good. All these attributes point to our role as strong, soldier-like leaders and Eishet Chayal’s.

Being strong in our trust and emunah in Hashem is vital during these times of global unrest. As it says in Yalkut Shimoni, [Rabbi Aca], “Each era is redeemed only in the merit of the women that of the righteous women who live in that era. It is in the merit of the righteous women that the people were redeemed from Egypt and in the time to come it will be in the merit of women that Redemption will come again.” As we go towards Geulah, our Redemption is as powerful as the Redemption from Egypt, and even much, much more so.

[1] The Messianic Temple: Understanding Ezekiel’s Prophecy by Chaim Clorfene. 2005.

Women Pray at the Western Wall